Cover Reveal!


Cover reveal! LOL. I’m struggling a bit with the size of this cover reveal. It wants to be too small or larger than life. Much like our Lucas Vallois, eh? And also, much like Lucas is the center of his group of close friends, the Tyler Davidson Fountain in Fountain Square is the glittering center of Cincinnati. So what better image to use on Lucas’s cover than the great lady herself?

The stories in this collection focus on Lucas and Andrei and they’re set between the events of book 1, Shiver, and book 2, Shatter.

The collection has six short stories. It will include special author’s (Spicier!) editions of the previously released free short stories. (And don’t worry, the original versions of the free short stories will continue to be available here.) The collection will also include at least 3 brand new, never-seen-before short stories. At a minimum, the book will be approximately 30,000 words. In other words, a lazy afternoon read.

While the stories focus on Lucas and Andrei, all the guys from the series make an appearance within the collection. And if readers enjoy this collection, we will consider continuing and putting out a collection for Snow and Jude after the release of Torch, book 3.

And for fun, here is a tiny unedited sneak peek of Thanksgiving–one of the stories that turned into a novelette. Our wonderful Unbreakable Readers  on Facebook kept asking if we planned to write the hinted at Thanksgiving gathering, so we included this one especially for them. They got to see this snippet already. Snow is at his mouthy best in this story. Oh, and the “she” in this bit refers to Andrei’s mother, Sonja. 😉

“Sip it this time,” she advised. “It’s good for you—makes you want to eat the pork.”

“Oh man,” Andrei groaned under his breath. He leaned over far enough to whisper in Lucas’s ear. “I think she’s actually flirting.”

“I know she is,” Lucas murmured back.

Snow took a cautious sip of the palinka this time, then cracked a smile. “Trust me, I don’t need an incentive to eat the pork.”

Milos choked on his food, his eyes locked on Snow.

“Really?” Andrei rubbed his hands over his face. “This isn’t happening.”

Oh, this was fucking hilarious. Andrei’s gaze flitted back and forth between Snow, his mother and father. Lucas reached under the table and gave Andrei’s thigh a comforting squeeze. He’d inform him later not to worry about another threesome. Snow loved them, but not when women were involved. Andrei, as a bisexual, might not totally understand a complete lack of attraction to women. Even Lucas found them attractive enough at times, but not nearly as attractive as he found men. But if the Kinsey scale was at all accurate, Snow was on the end. The very, very end.

To pre-order your copy of Unbreakable Stories: Lucas, click here. It will be available on Amazon Kindle on Tuesday, June 21.

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