We would like to show our appreciation for all our wonderful readers who have supported us over the years. From time to time, we will post links to free short stories, novellas, and even deleted scenes from books that we have written.

We hope that you enjoy these fun, free snippets.

Thank you again for all your love and support,

Jocelynn Drake & Rinda Elliott

He’s Too Young

After the Unbreakable Stories: Ian collection was released, we decided to write one more short story to release for readers.

Ian has some happy news to share with his family, but not everyone is taking it all that well. Catch up with Lucas, Snow, and Rowe in this fun little short.

Click here to read the free short story – He’s Too Young.

The “No Boyfriends Allowed” Club

The “No Boyfriends Allowed” Club was first introduced as a short story within the Unbreakable Stories: Ian collection. When we were working on Rialto, we thought we’d bring the club back. Hollis really needed a night out. Unfortunately, we thought it didn’t add a lot to the overall progression of the story so the chapter hit the cutting room floor. However, we loved it too much to ever let it stay forgotten.

Click here to read the deleted chapter from Rialto – The “No Boyfriends Allowed” Club