Lover Calling Is Out, But You Gotta Grab It Fast

I’ve got a bit of advice.

Don’t move. Ever.

Okay. That really isn’t realistic. Plus, my husband and I have picked up and moved several times. From Cincinnati to Madison, Wisconsin to South Florida… and now to Denver, Colorado.

The problem with moving is that it really messes with my writing schedule, slowing everything up. March was my first real month of digging in deep and getting some regular writing done. And I got a lot done.

You see, in the fall of 2018, I released the first book in the Exit Strategy series, DEADLY LOVER. And I’ve got to admit that I love Justin and Gabriel. Those smart asses are so much fun to play with. They are a little crazy and a lot disfunctional, but that’s what makes it all fun. If you’ve not had the chance to read their book, you can grab it here. It’s available in ebook, print, and audio.

I’ll admit that I really thought I’d have their second book done by now. But the move and then other books slowed up my progress.

However, I have happy to announce that I did finish a short novella detailing a short adventure they had between books. LOVER CALLING is now available.

And as a thank you for your patience, I’m giving it away for free for two weeks. You have until Saturday, April 13 to pick it up for free here. After that, I’m moving it to Amazon and putting it for sale for $0.99.

Here’ s a quick description:

Is 4,000 miles too far to travel for a booty call?

If your answer is yes, then you’ve never met a man like Gabriel Prescott.

Justin hops a plane for London to spend a little quality time with Gabriel between jobs, and of course trouble finds them.

Between dodging bullets and time in the sheets, Gabriel and Justin try to figure out what kind of a future they could have together.

I am currently aiming to have the second book out in the series in early June.

Be sure to grab your free copy now. And don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter. This free story was announced there first. Don’t miss out on any of our big news!