Just how do Drake and Elliott write together? Updated version because our process changed!
Last day to get Shatter for 99 cents! It won’t go on sale again this year.
Time is running out! Shiver and Shatter are on sale for $0.99 for a limited time. Get all the details here.
Are you ready to hear the voices whispering in my head? Let me show you what it’s like when I’m plotting a new book or series.
The second free Ian and Hollis short story!
Happy Unbreakable Stories: Rowe release day! It’s finally here. Get the lowdown on all the stories within this collection. Catch up with the boys!
Are you ready for a new sneak peek up the upcoming collection, Unbreakable Stories: Rowe? We got a new glimpse of Rowe & Noah for you today!
Life has become a little chaotic so I’ve fallen back to some of my favorite books to re-read, and today, I thought I’d share some of them with you.
It’s time to finally crack the code to unravel all of Boris Jagger’s operations. Learn the secret behind how we crafted Jagger’s code.
Midnight Perp–the first free Ian and Hollis short story!